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Text File | 1996-11-11 | 28.4 KB | 1,295 lines |
- ; $VER: AMBBS.NComm.script 4.2 (4.10.95)
- ; ABBS/MBBS NComm Script for THOR
- ; By Eivind Nordseth, Ultima Thule Software
- set $dox = ""
- set $oldconf = ""
- set $gethold = "FALSE"
- set $fixtimeout = ""
- set $dtmpfile = ""
- set $readmode = ""
- set $private = ""
- set $userinfo = "FALSE"
- set $repfile = ""
- set $qwkcommand = "Q QWK"
- set $qwkcfg = "FALSE"
- set $qwkerr = "TRUE"
- set $rengrab = ""
- set $doctrlx = "FALSE"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- set $notify = ""
- set $packageOK = "FALSE"
- set $gotprivfiles = "FALSE"
- set $newfilesdate = ""
- when "EMSI_REQ" gosub AFrontDetect
- cli $THORPath"bin/ScriptServ \""$BBSName"\" WRITECFG EV 0 EV 1 EV 2 EV 3 EV 4 EV 5 EV 6 EV 7 EV 8 EV 10 EV 11 EV 12 EV 13 EV 14"
- if exists "t:privupl"$BBSName then cli "delete >nil: \"t:privupl"$BBSName"\""
- if exists "t:filenote"$BBSName then cli "delete >nil: \"t:filenote"$BBSName"\""
- if exists "t:NoLogOut" then cli "delete >nil: t:NoLogOut"
- if exists "t:DoLogOut" then cli "delete >nil: t:DoLogOut"
- varfile "t:"$BBSName".CONFIG"
- readvar $CfgVer
- readvar $BBSID
- readvar $BBSType
- readvar $Path
- readvar $PostConf
- readvar $UpLoadDir
- readvar $UserName
- readvar $UserStreet
- readvar $UserAddress
- readvar $UserCountry
- readvar $UserPhone
- readvar $NewFiles
- readvar $AutoPDnl
- readvar $AutoLogoff
- readvar $UseColors
- readvar $AnsiMenues
- readvar $Bulletins
- readvar $ReplyPacket
- varfile close
- if !$CfgVer == "4" then message "Incompatible version of ScriptServ"
- if !$CfgVer == "4" then goto AllDone
- if $ReplyPacket == "" then set $ReplyPacket = $BBSID".REP"
- cli "delete >nil: \"t:"$BBSName".CONFIG\""
- set $LogFile = $Path"ScriptMsg.txt"
- when "\r\nNO CARRIER\r\n" goto AllDone
- send "^K\n\n"
- autoxfer off ; Turn off G&R commands
- autoup off ; Turn off Zmodem autoupload
- autodown on ; Turn on Zmodem autodownload
- if $BBSType == "MBBS" then menuselect TRANSLATE 1 8 ; Use IBN character set
- if $BBSType == "MBBS" then set $charset = "IBN" ; Use IBN character set
- if $BBSType == "ABBS" then menuselect TRANSLATE 1 0 ; Use ISO character set
- if $BBSType == "ABBS" then set $charset = "ISO" ; Use ISO character set
- if $BBSType == "MBBS_QWK" then menuselect TRANSLATE 1 8 ; Use IBN character set
- if $BBSType == "MBBS_QWK" then set $charset = "IBN" ; Use IBN character set
- if $BBSType == "ABBS_QWK" then menuselect TRANSLATE 1 0 ; Use ISO character set
- if $BBSType == "ABBS_QWK" then set $charset = "ISO" ; Use IBN character set
- converse "FIRST name" $UserName" Q\n"
- if $BBSType == "ABBS_QWK" then menuselect TRANSLATE 1 8 ; Use IBN character set
- if $BBSType == "ABBS_QWK" then set $charset = "IBN" ; Use IBN character set
- converse "will echo):" "\p\n"
- dwhen "EMSI_REQ"
- capture "t:privupl"$BBSName
- when "--more--" send "C"
- when "coming online" gosub SysOp
- when "The following" set $gotprivfiles = "TRUE"
- if $BBSType == "MBBS" then set $docmd = "CHAT N U L 0 MF 50 S IBN\n"
- if $BBSType == "ABBS" then set $docmd = "CHAT N U L 0 MF 50 S ISO\n"
- if $BBSType == "MBBS_QWK" then set $docmd = "CHAT N U L 0 MF 50 S IBN\n"
- if $BBSType == "ABBS_QWK" then set $docmd = "CHAT N U L 0 MF 50 S IBN\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- ;***************** Event loop
- wait "Command"
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- dwhen "The following"
- capture off
- if !exists "t:"$BBSName".EVENTS" then goto afterEvents
- varfile "t:"$BBSName".EVENTS"
- eventLoop:
- set $done = "FALSE"
- readvar $eventnr
- readvar $event
- if $eventnr == "EOF" then goto evLoopEnd
- if $event == "EOF" then goto evLoopEnd
- if $event == "0" then gosub EnterMsg
- if $event == "1" then gosub ReplyMsg
- if $event == "2" then gosub JoinConf
- if $event == "3" then gosub ResignConf
- if $event == "4" then gosub DownloadFile
- if $event == "5" then gosub UploadFile
- if $event == "6" then gosub GetConfList
- if $event == "7" then gosub ConfigureBBS
- if $event == "8" then gosub SendUserInfo
- if $event == "10" then gosub GetNewFiles
- if $event == "11" then gosub CommandEvent
- if $event == "12" then gosub AutoLogOff
- if $event == "13" then gosub RetractMsg
- if $event == "14" then gosub RetractFile
- if $event == "7769" then set $done = "TRUE"
- if $done == "TRUE" then cli "run >nil: "$THORPath"bin/ScriptServ \""$BBSName"\" DONE "$eventnr
- if !$done == "TRUE" then cli "run >nil: "$THORPath"bin/ScriptServ \""$BBSName"\" ERROR "$eventnr
- goto eventLoop
- evLoopEnd:
- varfile close
- cli "delete >nil: \"t:"$BBSName".EVENTS\""
- afterEvents:
- ;***************** Grab messages
- set $rengrab = "y"
- if $BBSType == "ABBS_QWK" then goto HandleABBSQWK
- if $BBSType == "ABBS" then set $docmd = "U GF MBBS\n"
- if $BBSType == "ABBS" then gosub DoCommand
- set $packageOK = "TRUE"
- set $docmd = "R DUMP ALL\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- when "<0>" goto grabd
- converse "Command" "SE Z\n"
- grabd:
- dlwhen
- goto AfterGrabing
- ;***************** Do ABBS_QWK packet handling
- HandleABBSQWK:
- set $docmd = "U GF QWK\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- if !exists $UpLoadDir$ReplyPacket then goto NoABBSRepFile
- set $docmd = "Q MU\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- when "parsed successfully" set $qwkerr = "FALSE"
- wait "B01"
- upload $UpLoadDir$ReplyPacket,Z
- gosub NoTimeout
- capture $Path"QWKMsg.txt"
- wait "Main Command"
- capture off
- dlwhen
- gosub SetUpTimeout
- if $qwkerr == "TRUE" then goto ABBSRepFileFail
- set $packageOK = "TRUE"
- cli "delete >nil: "$UpLoadDir$ReplyPacket
- cli "delete >nil: "$Path"QWKMsg.txt"
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- goto NoABBSRepFile
- ABBSRepFileFail:
- set $appendsource = $Path"QWKMsg.txt"
- set $appenddest = $LogFile
- gosub AppendFile
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- NoABBSRepFile:
- set $docmd = "R DUMP ALL\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- gosub NoTimeout
- when "<0>" goto grabQwkDone
- converse "Command" "SE Z\n"
- grabQwkDone:
- dlwhen
- goto AfterGrabing
- ;***************** Package Done
- AfterGrabing:
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- wait "Command"
- if $packageOK == "TRUE" then cli "run >nil: "$THORPath"bin/ScriptServ \""$BBSName"\" PACKAGEDONE"
- set $rengrab = "y"
- ;***************** Capture Newfiles.txt
- if !$NewFiles == "y" then goto AfterNewFiles
- set $docmd = ""
- gosub DoCommand
- when "Detailed list (Enter=N):" send "n\n"
- cli "Delete >nil: "$Path"Newfiles.txt"
- capture $Path"Newfiles.txt"
- if $newfilesdate == "" then set $newfilesdate = ";"
- send "F N "$newfilesdate" ;\n"
- gosub NoTimeout
- when "Read Command" goto NewFilesDone
- wait "File Command"
- NewFilesDone:
- dwhen "Read Command"
- dwhen "Detailed list (Enter=N):"
- capture off
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- AfterNewFiles:
- ;***************** Auto dnload private files
- if !$AutoPDnl == "y" then goto NoPrivUpl
- if !$gotprivfiles == "TRUE" then goto NoPrivUpl
- if !exists "t:privupl"$BBSName then goto NoPrivUpl
- cli $THORPath"bin/ScriptServ >\"t:privupl"$BBSName".tmp\" \""$BBSName"\" PrivUploadFile \"t:privupl"$BBSName"\""
- if !exists "t:privupl"$BBSName".tmp" then goto NoPrivUpl
- varfile "t:privupl"$BBSName".tmp"
- if !$doctrlx == "TRUE" then wait "Command"
- PrivLoop:
- readvar $dtmpfile
- if $dtmpfile == "" then goto PrivLoopEnd
- if $dtmpfile == "EOF" then goto PrivLoopEnd
- send "F D "$dtmpfile"\n"
- capture "t:filenote"$BBSName
- gosub NoTimeout
- wait "Command"
- if !exists $LogFile then write $LogFile "Messages from script:\n"
- write $LogFile " Downloaded private file: "$dtmpfile"\n"
- capture off
- goto PrivLoop
- PrivLoopEnd:
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- varfile close
- cli "delete >nil: \"t:privupl"$BBSName".tmp\""
- NoPrivUpl:
- ;***************** Get files in hold
- if exists "t:privupl"$BBSName then cli "delete >nil: \"t:privupl"$BBSName"\""
- if !$gethold == "TRUE" then goto NoHold
- set $docmd = "F GET\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- gosub NoTimeout
- NoHold:
- ;***************** Update filenotes of downloaded files.
- if !exists "t:filenote"$BBSName then goto NoUpdateNotes
- if !$doctrlx == "TRUE" then wait "Command"
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- cli $THORPath"bin/ScriptServ \""$BBSName"\" UPDATEFILENOTES \"t:filenote"$BBSName"\""
- cli "delete >nil: \"t:filenote"$BBSName"\""
- NoUpdateNotes:
- ;***************** Ready for logout
- if exists "t:DoLogOut" then goto DoLogOut
- if $AutoLogoff == "n" then goto NoLogOut
- if exists "t:NoLogOut" then goto NoLogOut
- DoLogOut:
- set $docmd = "CHAT A U L 30 MF 0\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- set $docmd = "G Y N Y\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- when "\r\nNO CARRIER\r\n" goto Hanged
- delay 2
- repeat
- hangup
- delay 2
- until !CARRIER
- Hanged:
- dlwhen
- goto AllDone
- NoLogOut:
- set $docmd = "CHAT A U L 30 MF 0 W R\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- dwhens
- timeout 0
- AllDone:
- request on
- end
- Hung:
- beep
- message "\nI think the board has hung."
- message "\nTurn off this script within 20 seconds to stop me from logging out !!"
- delay 20
- beep
- message "\nWARNING: Logout in progress.\n"
- hangup
- goto AllDone
- SysOp:
- send "Sorry, you are trying to chat with a script.\n"
- send "Please put me back to the BBS at once.\n"
- set $Timeouts = "0"
- wait "SYSOP is going offline!"
- set $Timeouts = "0"
- return
- ;************************************************
- DoCommand:
- if $doctrlx == "TRUE" then send "^X"
- converse "Command" $docmd
- if !$rengrab == "" then gosub RenameGrab
- if !$fixtimeout == "" then gosub SetupTimeout
- set $doctrlx = "FALSE"
- return
- ;************************************************
- NoTimeout:
- set $fixtimeout = "d"
- timeout 0
- return
- SetupTimeout:
- set $fixtimeout = ""
- set $Timeouts = "0"
- timeout 60 gosub SendCTRLX
- return
- SendCTRLX:
- set $fixtimeout = "d"
- if $Timeouts == "2" then timeout 20 gosub Hung
- if $Timeouts == "2" then send "^X"
- if $Timeouts == "1" then send $docmd
- if $Timeouts == "1" then set $Timeouts = "2"
- if $Timeouts == "0" then send "^X"
- if $Timeouts == "0" then set $Timeouts = "1"
- return
- Hung:
- beep
- message "\nI think the board has hung."
- message "\nTurn off this script within 20 seconds to stop me from logging out !!"
- delay 20
- beep
- message "\nWARNING: Logout in progress.\n"
- hangup
- goto AllDone
- ;************************************************
- RenameGrab:
- set $rengrab = ""
- cli $THORPath"bin/ScriptServ \""$BBSName"\" RENAMEGRAB"
- cli "run >nil: sys:rexxc/rx 'address THOR.01 RESCAN'"
- return
- ;************************************************
- ; Enter message subroutine
- ; Uses variables:
- ; $conf - conference for message
- ; $sendto - user message is to (Empty string is equal to ALL)
- ; $subject - subject of message
- ; $msgfile - file message is in
- ; $private - private message (0/!0)
- EnterMsg:
- readvar $conf
- readvar $sendto
- readvar $msgfile
- readvar $subject
- readvar $private
- if $private == "" then set $private = "0"
- if !$private == "0" then set $private = "y"
- if $private == "0" then set $private = "n"
- set $done = "TRUE"
- when "Private message" send $private"\n"
- when "other users (Enter=N)" send "\n"
- when "Send message to" send $sendto"\n"
- when "enter both the first AND" goto etomyself
- when "that name is not registered" goto etomyself
- when "ALL is not allowed here!" goto etomyself
- when "READ ONLY conference. Us" goto einpost1
- when "not a member of this con" goto einpost2
- when "Invalid conference selec" goto einpost3
- when "Topics are:" goto einpost4
- when "Couldn't save msg!" goto einpost5
- if $conf == $oldconf then goto InConf
- set $docmd = "J "$conf"\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- if $done == "FALSE" then goto enterRet
- set $oldconf = $conf
- InConf:
- if $sendto == "" then set $sendto = "ALL"
- set $docmd = "E\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- if $done == "FALSE" then goto enterRet
- set $dlewhen = "FALSE"
- set $dox = ""
- gosub SendMessage
- if $done == "FALSE" then goto enterRet
- enterErr:
- if $done == "TRUE" then wait "Command"
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- enterRet:
- return
- etomyself:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile " Conference "$conf", unable to enter message to "$sendto"\n"
- send "^X\n"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- goto enterErr
- einpost5:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile " The BBS couldn't save the message.\n"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- goto enterErr
- einpost4:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile " Invalid conference topic: "$conf"\n"
- send "\n"
- wait "Command"
- set $oldconf = ""
- set $done = "FALSE"
- goto enterErr
- einpost3:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile " Invalid conference selection: "$conf"\n"
- set $oldconf = ""
- gosub FixJoinErr
- wait "Command"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- goto enterErr
- einpost2:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile " User "$sendto" in not a member of conference "$conf"\n"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- goto enterErr
- einpost1:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile " Conference "$conf" is READ ONLY\n"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- goto enterErr
- ;************************************************
- ; Reply message subroutine
- ; Uses variables:
- ; $conf - conference for message
- ; $replyto - reply to message
- ; $subject - subject of message
- ; $msgfile - file message is in
- ; $private - private message (y/n)
- ; $sendto - user the message is to
- ReplyMsg:
- readvar $conf
- readvar $sendto
- readvar $msgfile
- readvar $dummy
- readvar $subject
- readvar $replyto
- readvar $private
- if $private == "" then set $private = "0"
- if !$private == "0" then set $private = "y"
- if $private == "0" then set $private = "n"
- set $done = "TRUE"
- when "Private message" send $private"\n"
- when "Include original message" send "n\n"
- when "READ ONLY conference you" goto readonlyconf
- when "Invalid conference selec" goto invalidconf
- when "Topics are:" goto invalidtopic
- when "not available for reply." goto notavail
- when "Message not found !" goto REnotfound
- when "not a member of this con" goto nomember
- when "Couldn't save msg!" goto ReSaveErr
- if $conf == $oldconf then goto InConf2
- set $docmd = "J "$conf"\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- if $done == "FALSE" then goto replyRet
- set $oldconf = $conf
- InConf2:
- set $docmd = "R RE "$replyto"\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- if $done == "FALSE" then goto replyRet
- set $dox = "^X"
- gosub SendMessage
- if $done == "FALSE" then goto replyRet
- replyErr:
- if $done == "TRUE" then wait "Command"
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- replyRet:
- return
- readonlyconf:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile " Conference "$conf" is READ ONLY, unable to reply message "$replyto"\n"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- goto replyErr
- invalidconf:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile " Invalid conference selection: "$conf", unable to reply message "$replyto"\n"
- gosub FixJoinErr
- wait "Command"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- goto replyErr
- invalidconf:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile " Invalid conference topic: "$conf", unable to reply message "$replyto"\n"
- send "\n"
- wait "Command"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- goto replyErr
- nomember:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile " "$sendto" is not member of conference: "$conf", unable to reply message "$replyto"\n"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- goto replyErr
- notavail:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile " Message "$replyto" in "$conf" not available for reply\n"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- goto replyErr
- REnotfound:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile " Message "$replyto" in "$conf" was not found, and was not available for reply\n"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- goto replyErr
- ReSaveErr:
- wait "Command"
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile " The BBS couldn't save the message.\n"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- goto replyErr
- ;************************************************
- ; Subroutine for sending message
- SendMessage:
- when "--7-" goto sendit
- converse "Subject" $dox$subject"\n"
- wait "--7-"
- sendit:
- dlwhen
- if $userinfo == "FALSE" then goto nouserinfo
- if $BBSType == "ABBS" then gosub SendABBSClear
- if $BBSType == "ABBS_QWK" then gosub SendABBSClear
- if $BBSType == "MBBS" then send "^KC"
- if $BBSType == "MBBS_QWK" then send "^KC"
- nouserinfo:
- send "^KZ"
- ascsend $Path$msgfile
- send "\w^Z^Z"
- return
- ;************************************************
- ; ABBS clear editor
- SendABBSClear:
- send "^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y"
- send "^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y"
- send "^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y"
- send "^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y"
- send "^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y"
- send "^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y"
- send "^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y"
- send "^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y"
- send "^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y"
- send "^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y"
- send "^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y"
- send "^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y"
- send "^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y"
- send "^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y"
- send "^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y"
- send "^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y"
- return
- ;************************************************
- Startlogfile:
- if !exists $LogFile then write $LogFile "Messages from script:\n"
- write $LogFile "Error in event nr "$eventnr":\n"
- return
- ;************************************************
- FixJoinErr:
- if $BBSType == "MBBS" then converse "name to join" "\n"
- if $BBSType == "MBBS_QWK" then converse "name to join" "\n"
- if $BBSType == "ABBS" then send "^K"
- if $BBSType == "ABBS" then converse "Join conference:" "\n"
- if $BBSType == "ABBS_QWK" then send "^K"
- if $BBSType == "ABBS_QWK" then converse "Join conference:" "\n"
- return
- ;************************************************
- ; Join conference
- ; Uses variables:
- ; $conf - conference to join
- JoinConf:
- readvar $conf
- set $done = "TRUE"
- when "Invalid conference sele" gosub joinerr
- when "Topics are:" gosub topicserr
- set $docmd = "J "$conf"\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- set $oldconf = $conf
- wait "Command"
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- return
- joinerr:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile " Invalid conference selection: "$conf", Unable to join\n"
- gosub FixJoinErr
- set $oldconf = ""
- set $done = "FALSE"
- return
- topicserr:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile " Invalid conference topic: "$conf", Unable to join\n"
- send "\n"
- set $oldconf = ""
- set $done = "FALSE"
- return
- ;************************************************
- ; Resign conference
- ; Uses variables:
- ; $conf - conference to resign
- ResignConf:
- readvar $conf
- when "Invalid conference sele" goto resconferr
- when "Topics are:" goto restopicerr
- set $done = "TRUE"
- set $oldconf = ""
- set $docmd = "J "$conf"\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- if $done == "FALSE" then goto resignRet
- set $docmd = "RES Y\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- if $done == "FALSE" then goto resignRet
- resignErr:
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- wait "Command"
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- resignRet:
- return
- resconferr:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile " Invalid conference selection: "$conf", unable to resign\n"
- gosub FixJoinErr
- set $done = "FALSE"
- goto resignErr
- restopicerr:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile " Invalid conference topic: "$conf", unable to resign\n"
- send "\n"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- goto resignErr
- ;************************************************
- ; Append a file to the en of the other.
- ; Uses variables:
- ; $appendsource - File to append.
- ; $appenddest - Destination.
- AppendFile:
- if !exists $appenddest then goto afNotExists
- cli "join >nil: \""$appenddest"\" \""$appendsource"\" TO \""$appenddest".tmp\""
- cli "delete >nil: \""$appenddest"\""
- cli "rename >nil: \""$appenddest".tmp\" \""$appenddest"\""
- cli "delete >nil: \""$appendsource"\""
- return
- afNotExists:
- cli "rename >nil: \""$appendsource"\" \""$appenddest"\""
- return
- ;************************************************
- GetConfList:
- set $docmd = ""
- gosub DoCommand
- set $done = "TRUE"
- cli "Delete >nil: "$Path"Conferences.txt"
- capture $Path"Conferences.txt"
- send "R SH A\n"
- wait "Command"
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- capture off
- return
- ;************************************************
- ; Download file subroutine
- ; Uses variables:
- ; $filename - name of file to download
- DownloadFile:
- readvar $filename
- set $done = "TRUE"
- set $fnotfound = "FALSE"
- set $fnotaccess = "FALSE"
- set $DNnotavail = "FALSE"
- set $fexpired = "FALSE"
- when "File not found!" set $fnotfound = "TRUE"
- when "You are not allowed" set $fnotaccess = "TRUE"
- when "not available, please" set $DNnotavail = "TRUE"
- when "has expired." set $fexpired = "TRUE"
- when "ate files may not be move" set $dfnotmove = "TRUE"
- set $gethold = "TRUE"
- set $dfnotmove = "FALSE"
- set $dtmpfile = $filename
- set $docmd = "F ADD "$filename"\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- capture "t:filenote"$BBSName
- wait "Command"
- capture off
- if $fnotfound == "TRUE" then gosub fnotfound
- if $fnotaccess == "TRUE" then gosub fnotaccess
- if $DNnotavail == "TRUE" then gosub DNnotavail
- if $fexpired == "TRUE" then gosub fexpired
- if $dfnotmove == "TRUE" then gosub dferr
- gosub FixDnlWhens
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- return
- dferr:
- send "F D "$dtmpfile"\n"
- capture "t:filenote"$BBSName
- gosub NoTimeout
- wait "Command"
- capture off
- return
- fnotaccess:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile "Error: Unable to download file \""$dtmpfile"\", you don't have download access\n"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- return
- fnotfound:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile "Error: Unable to download file \""$dtmpfile"\", file not found\n"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- return
- DNnotavail:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile "Error: Unable to download file \""$dtmpfile"\", file not available.\n Please check with sysop.\n"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- return
- fexpired:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile "Error: Unable to download file \""$dtmpfile"\", your file time expired\n"
- return
- FixDnlWhens:
- dwhen "File not found!"
- dwhen "You are not allowed"
- dwhen "not available, please"
- dwhen "ate files may not be move"
- dwhen "has expired."
- return
- ;************************************************
- ; Upload file subroutine
- ; Uses variables:
- ; $filename - name of file to upload
- ; $filedescr - short description of file
- ; $notify - download notification (y/n)
- ; $detailed - detailed description for file
- ; $sendto - private upload to user (empty string/"ALL" = public file)
- ; $localfile - path/filename to upload.
- ; $conf - Try to make file private to conf (if $conf != "")
- UploadFile:
- readvar $filename
- readvar $filedescr
- readvar $sendto
- readvar $conf
- if !$BBSType == "MBBS" then goto Upl1
- readvar $notify
- if $notify == "" then set $notify = "0"
- if !$notify == "0" then set $notify = "y"
- if $notify == "0" then set $notify = "n"
- Upl1:
- readvar $detailed
- readvar $localfile
- set $msgfile = ""
- set $done = "TRUE"
- if $localfile == "" then set $localfile = $UpLoadDir$filename
- if !exists $localfile then goto nofileupload
- if $conf == "" then goto AfterUplJoin
- when "Invalid conference sele" gosub joinerr
- when "Topics are:" gosub topicserr
- set $docmd = "J "$conf"\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- set $oldconf = $conf
- wait "Command"
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- if $done == "FALSE" then goto uplRet
- AfterUplJoin:
- when "enter both the first AND" goto puperr
- when "that name is not registered" goto puperr
- when "ALL is not allowed here!" goto puperr
- when "Invalid file name!" goto upinvfile
- when "File exists already" goto fexists
- when "You are not allowed" goto UPnotallowed
- when "each download" send $notify"\n"
- when "file to be publicly ava" send "\n"
- when "Directory name, <?>=lis" send "\n"
- if $conf == "" then when "rivate to confer" send "n\n"
- if !$conf == "" then when "rivate to confer" send "y\n"
- if !$sendto == "" then set $docmd = "F PUP "$sendto"\n"
- if $sendto == "ALL" then set $docmd = "F UP\n"
- if $sendto == "" then set $docmd = "F UP\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- if $done == "FALSE" then goto uplRet
- converse "ile name" $filename"\n"
- converse "ion of file" $filedescr"\n"
- wait "B01"
- upload $localfile,Z
- gosub NoTimeout
- when "Command" goto uplfail
- if $detailed == "" then goto NoDetailed
- converse "description (Enter=Y)" "Y\n"
- gosub SetupTimeout
- set $msgfile = $detailed
- gosub SendMessage
- if $done == "FALSE" then goto uplRet
- goto uplLateErr
- NoDetailed:
- converse "description (Enter=Y)" "N\n"
- uplLateErr:
- dlwhen
- uplErr:
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- wait "Command"
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- uplRet:
- return
- puperr:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile "Error: Unable to do a private upload of "$filename"\n"
- write $LogFile " User "$sendto" is not registered\n"
- send "^X\n"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- goto uplErr
- upinvfile:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile "Error: Unable to upload "$filename", filename is invalid\n"
- send "^X\n"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- goto uplErr
- fexists:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile "Error: Unable to upload "$filename", file already exists\n"
- send "^X\n"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- goto uplErr
- UPnotallowed:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile "Error: Unable to upload "$filename", you don't have download access\n"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- goto uplErr
- uplfail:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile "Error: Unable to upload "$filename", upload failed\n"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- goto uplLateErr
- nofileupload:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile "Error: Unable to upload "$filename", file not found\n"
- set $done = "FALSE"
- goto uplRet
- ;************************************************
- ; Do a custom command
- ; Uses variables:
- ; $commandstring - Command to execute.
- CommandEvent:
- readvar $commandstring
- write $LogFile "Executing custom command:\n"
- set $docmd = $commandstring"\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- capture $LogFile
- gosub NoTimeout
- when "File Command" goto CmdEvDone
- when "Main Command" goto CmdEvDone
- when "Utility Command" goto CmdEvDone
- when "SYSOP Command" goto CmdEvDone
- when "SIGOP Command" goto CmdEvDone
- when "Misc Command" goto CmdEvDone
- when "Mark Command" goto CmdEvDone
- when "Read Ref Command" goto CmdEvDone
- wait "Read Command"
- CmdEvDone:
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- capture off
- write $LogFile "\n"
- set $done = "TRUE"
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- set $oldconf = ""
- return
- ;************************************************
- ; Send user info
- ; Uses variables:
- ; $msgfile - file user info is in
- SendUserInfo:
- readvar $msgfile
- when "no resumé user info on this" goto NoUserInfo
- set $docmd = "Q EDIT\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- converse "number displayed (Enter=" "y\n"
- set $userinfo = "TRUE"
- gosub SendMessage
- set $userinfo = "FALSE"
- set $done = "TRUE"
- uinErr:
- wait "Command"
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- dlwhen
- return
- NoUserInfo:
- gosub Startlogfile
- write $LogFile "Error: Sorry, no resumé user info on this system!"
- goto uinErr
- ;************************************************
- ; Set up BBS configuration
- ConfigureBBS:
- if $BBSType == "MBBS" then goto SetMBBSMode
- if $BBSType == "MBBS_QWK" then goto SetMBBSMode
- set $docmd = "R\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- when "Read Ref Co" set $readmode = "1"
- when "Read Co" set $readmode = "2"
- wait "Command"
- dlwhen
- dlwhen
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- if $readmode == "2" then goto AfterSetMode
- set $docmd = "MODE\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- goto AfterSetMode
- SetMBBSMode:
- set $qwkcfg = "TRUE"
- set $docmd = "R MODE M\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- AfterSetMode:
- set $docmd = "u m y "$AnsiMenues" "$UseColors" y n y\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- if $BBSType == "ABBS" then gosub SetSpNN
- if $BBSType == "ABBS_QWK" then gosub SetSpNN
- if $BBSType == "ABBS_QWK" then set $docmd = "gf b "$Bulletins"\n"
- if $BBSType == "ABBS_QWK" then gosub DoCommand
- set $docmd = "u addr\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- converse "treet address" "^X"$UserStreet"\n"
- converse "code and town" "^X"$UserAddress"\n"
- if $UserPhone == "" then set $UserPhone = "-"
- converse "ome telephone number" "^X"$UserPhone"\n"
- converse "ork telephone number" "\n"
- wait "Command"
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- set $done = "TRUE"
- return
- SetSpNN:
- set $docmd = "sp n n\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- return
- ;************************************************
- ; Set get new files flag.
- ; Uses variables:
- ; $newfilesdate - date to use for newfiles.
- GetNewFiles:
- readvar $newfilesdate
- set $NewFiles = "y"
- set $done = "TRUE"
- return
- ;************************************************
- ; Set the autologoff flag.
- ; Uses variables:
- ; $boolean - Logoff (y/n)
- AutoLogOff:
- readvar $boolean
- set $AutoLogoff = "y"
- if $boolean == "0" then set $AutoLogoff = "n"
- set $done = "TRUE"
- return
- ;************************************************
- ; Retract a message.
- ; Uses variables:
- ; $conf - Conference the message is in.
- ; $reforgnr - Number of message to kill.
- RetractMsg:
- readvar $conf
- readvar $reforgnr
- set $docmd = "j "$conf" "$reforgnr" kill\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- wait "Command"
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- set $done = "TRUE"
- return
- ;************************************************
- ; Retract a file
- ; Uses variables:
- ; $filename - File name to kill
- RetractFile:
- readvar $filename
- set $docmd = "f ret "$filename " y\n"
- gosub DoCommand
- wait "Command"
- set $doctrlx = "TRUE"
- set $done = "TRUE"
- return
- AFrontDetect:
- send "\e\e"
- message "\nA nice front door escaped!\n"
- return